"Live" Air-Valve Replacement
Forcemain & Pump-station Leak Consulting & Locating:
* Turnkey Leak Evaluation
* Leak Repair
* Pump Station Bypass / Valve Replacements & Emergency Pipeline Management
* 37+ years in Leak Resolutions
* Offices on the East & West Coasts; Contact Leakdog.com or SewageSpill.com!
The Dutch Finger is installed onto the defective valve in a fluid tight arrangement. The defective valve is opened to allow the manual insertion of the plugging finger into the pipeline opening, to a predetermined position. Manual operation of the tool contracts the finger to plug the opening, and enlarges the finger inside the pipe, restraining it from movement. The defective valve, nipple and Dutch Finger housing can be removed by lifting it up and over the tool. The new Air-valve, nipple and Dutch Finger are set over the tool and installed onto the pipeline. The Dutch finger is relaxed and pulled into the pressure tight housing and the new Air-valve is closed completing the process.
Exclusive Dutch Finger by InternationalFlow™ allows:
* Air-Valve Replacements under pressure without a shut down of system.
* Branch Valve replacement without shut down of system.
* Branch tapping saddle replacement without shutdown of main line.
* Services such as: replacement of valves, Hottaps, Linestops, InsertingValves, PipeFreezing and turn-key Bypassing.
* Projects such as: replacements on Sewage force-mains, water systems, chemical lines, heating and cooling systems.
* We are trained to sniff out problems with the backing, and fix them.
* Call us today for an evaluation! 1-800-221-3332