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IFT Featured California Job
18" Linestop Carbon Steel Services
Job Status: Successful Linestops and Completion Plug Installed with Blind Flange. | ||
Job Date: March 10, 2014 | ||
Location: Qualcomm, San Diego, CA | ||
Job Specifics: Item I - 18" Linestop- Carbon Steel 1 - 18" Linestop fitting for Carbon steel condenser water under 150PSI 1 -Welding of fitting by others 1 - Pressure test 1 - 18" Linestop held for up to 6 hours while you perform pipeline modifications 1 - Removal linestop and installation completion plug with cap 1 -Blow-off assembly if required |
Images at Job: | ||
The pressure in the linestop must be equalized within the pipeline main so IFT performs a 2inch hot tap prior to line stopping the pipeline.