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IFT Featured Ohio Job
18" Wall Tap Services
Job Status: Successful and Completed | ||
Job Date: April 3, 2014 | ||
Location: South Columbus Water District Columbus, OH Project: Columbus Greenlawn Pump Station |
Job Specifics: IFT to furnish 20” knife gate valve due to the valve on site has to small of bore (17.25”) to accept the cutter being used (18.0”) to perform wall tap. IFT valve has a bore of 19.50”. ITEM 1 1 – 20” Steel knife gate with Stainless Steel gate, stem, and seat liner, complete with standard studs, bolts, nuts, and washers. |
Images at Job: | ||
Stainless Steel gate, stem, and seat liner, complete with standard studs, bolts, nuts, and washers.
This job was completed in Columbus, Ohio 4-3-14 for the South Columbus Water District. The Sewage Pipeline line is used to flow 3,000,000 Gallon of raw sewage a day. IFT was here to save the day as another sub contractor failed to hot tap the same location. IFT was about to grind down the concrete face of the wall to smooth off the error missed by the previous subcontractor. Once the concrete Face was smooth our hottap machine drilled and retained the slug. Notice how the coupon has a 90 Degree slope face with ¾ inch slate tile along with a thin steel lining all held in tact within the plug . South Columbus Water District was very satisfied with IFT’s successful completion of this job.